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Case 312 : Closed Rhinoplasty, Tip Shaping ![]() Before ![]() After This patient is a 22 year old healthy female who came to see me for a rhinoplasty. She felt her nose would look better with more definition and shape. She wanted to maitain a very natural look. She wanted to look like herself. She wanted a nicer dorsum and a more defined nasal tip. After discussing her options, looking at before and after photos of other patients and digital imaging, we felt I had a good understanding of the results that she wanted. We decided to proceeed with a closed rhinoplasty. Her surgery went exactly as planned. Through a closed rhinoplasty approach, I shaped her dorsum by removing excess bone and cartilage, I reshaped her tip by repositioning her tip cartilages. I rotated the nasal tip and as well as her tip lobule. I narrowed her nose with osteotomies. She had a quick recovery and once her edema had resolved, she felt we had achieved our goals. She felt her new nose was more defined and had better shape. She was happy with her new nose.
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